Welcome to the NEGS Old Girls Union.

Established in 1913, the NEGS Old Girls’ Union fosters fellowship amongst former students and encourages Old Girls to maintain their links with the school. The OGU also financially supports many of the school’s building programs and offers Scholarships and Bursaries to future students.

Former students of NEGS are invited to join the Union as Life Members. At their annual Valedictory Speech Day each Year 12 Leaver receives her membership badge and certificate and is formally welcomed to the Union.

The close ties Old Girls have with one another and NEGS are reflected in their active participation in many of the school’s activities. Old Girls return each year near St Michaelmas Day (Old Girls’ Weekend) to attend their 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65 year reunions.

NEGS Reunion Old Girls' Weekend Friday 9th - Sunday 11th September 2022 


Dear NEGS Alumni,

NEGS is excited to invite all Old Girls and Alumni of every age to Old Girls' Weekend 2022. We hope you are all looking forward to reminiscing with old friends, interacting with staff and students, learning about the new programs and wandering around our beautiful school.

We especially welcome the specific reunion cohorts celebrating their 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 year reunions.

Established in 1913, the NEGS Old Girls’ Union aims to facilitate and celebrate continued friendships and links with the school, and in particular financially support Scholarships to help future students enjoy the opportunities past students cherish. Attendance or donations to our Champagne Luncheon and Online Auction (or Giving Appeal) would be greatly appreciated.

This year the major event will be a long lunch on the Saturday with other events to be held over the weekend.

Please  coordinators. They will also be gathering your requests and numbers for sport, chapel readings and memorials etc..


Old Girls' Weekend Program

Friday 9th September:

5.30 pm - till late 7.30pm | 125 Year Cocktail Party - Assembly Hall

Saturday 10th September:

11:00am - 1.30 pm | School Tours - Departing from Archives Building (Old Music Room)

11:00 am | Old Girls v Students Hockey

11:45 am | Old Girls v Students Netball

12pm - Long Lunch

Evening | Year Group Events as organised by each Year Group

Sunday 20th March:

9:00 am | Holy Communion Chapel Service for Old Girls with Year 12 Students followed by morning tea on the lawns outside the Chapel.